Allows our techs to fix most of your issues remotely as long as there is an internet connection
Keep track of computer to make sure it is up to date and running smoothly (monthly maintenance plan)
Are you worried about your systems encountering any kind of problem at a time when no technician or expert can come to resolve it? Are you scared that you might lose your data and not have any way to stop it? Q-Tech Innovative Solutions bring you remote support services to ease your worries.
Our remote services allow us to take care of technical issues without having to make an on-site visit. This is done through the use of software that allows us to take control of the PC from afar. Our experienced and qualified employees can then either guide the client through the process or take control of the computer depending on the severity of the issue.
We provide remote assistance so that our clients can get the help they need at the click of a button. We are available round the clock, 24/7. This gives our clients a sense of security, assuring them that they have reliable technicians to help them in case any problem arises. In case a problem is too difficult to manage remotely, our employees are ready to visit the site as soon as possible.